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Sunday, October 7, 2018


Ganga OR Ganges , Dnyaneshwar OR Gyaneshwar , Verul OR Ellora , Ajintha OR Ajanta .

                     These names are corrupted by some people who were not competent enough to learn foreign language once conquered natives; they actively discouraged locals by mispronouncing names.

 Pronounciation can be corrected by learning.  The way Indians try hard to learn French , English or any other language and flaunt it in front of fellow Indians to show their affinity towards their rulers whose language is dominant now is saddening. Unfortunately it is encouraged in books , magazines and newspapers. Who is to blame for it? Journalists, writers, linguists who are learned and know best of the both worlds ? Media has a deep impact on minds and written words lasts more than an empire. Britishers are gone but the slavery is encouraged through the corrupted words.
International trade and cultural exchanges were happening since the Roman empire time. So we cannot say corrupting name is an easy way to make our reach to the world. Even Google made is easier to translate or learn the correct way of pronounciation. 

The way words are uttered have significance in life, music and science. And one can't reject the age old name of a heritage to be corrpupted just like that in 200 years. 

Surely I have hope that fellow countrymen will definitely revive the heritage of words and pronounciation because that is also a living proof of our history and shouldn't be corrupted. 
Just the way Europeans are proud of their language, culture and their history. Then how can they distort names unchanged since last 5000 years. 

 We humans must cherish diversity of the earth rather than just try to fit it in a convenient mould of a western attitude. Language and words also part of the diversity. Let's not try make everything to be easy for the sake of it. 

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