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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Whatever new idea takes place it is criticized or rejected by the masses. A few people embrace it ; slowly it is  followed by the established order and then in masses it becomes fashion to have it , practice it or follow it.

For the sake of self interest of stronger anything can become in vogue or too offensive. It is not just an Art for Art's sake. Public has to accept it or face the consequences.

Whatever rebelliousness s just the fashion of established order for their entertainment and it can be well justified by them. It may be Latin , Sanskrit, Rome, Delhi, Washington .... Whomsoever is shining people tend to follow it instead having own eyes open. Everything under the sun has it's unique charm and way of life. Art is also the same. Unique and different in it's way. But now a days we are becoming uniform in the name of fashion and trends (media).  Some body ahs done it then we have to do it that way.

A man or a woman following their idea may be offensive for the public eye. I see this in daily routine. People who are close are easy to criticise your vision in the name of caring for you. No way society is going to accept it now but you feel the need to understood by your circle. Paying the price gives you satisfaction.
Everyone push their agenda instead of being just happy or enjoy nature as it is. ISM's are bad when they become rigid & preachy. No GOD comes down and teaches you it's the mediator with agenda destroys the
inner artistic and playful nature of yours.

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